- USP <787> Subvisible Particulate Matter in Therapeutic Protein Injections
- 点击次数:6126 更新时间:2015-05-15
Follow the same standardization steps as described in USP <788>
标准制定遵从USP <788>制定步骤
• Volume accuracy
• Flow rate流速
• Sensor resolution传感器灵敏度
• Calibration校准
• Count accuracy计数
Two system controls tests are recommended
• Blank test: measure five aliquots of degassed particle-free water, the count must be less than 1 particle/mL > 10 µm.
测试:检测脱氧纯水,> 10 µm的粒子数不得超过1 个/mL
• System suitability verification; analyze the USP particle count reference standard and pass the count limits系统适应性验证:检测分析USP标准粒子并低于限定值
Sample preparation
• If there is enough volume test individual units
• If the volume is too small, mix units and combine the contents to obtain the required volume (typically 0.2-5.0 mL)如果体积太小,将样品混合直到符合测量的体积(典型0.2-5.0 mL)
• Degas the sample and gently mix again轻轻上下晃动混合均匀
• Analyze four aliquots
• Count the particles in the size range of interest, including >10 & 25 µm测量计数规定范围内的粒子,包括>10 跟 >25 µm。
• Disregard the first result and average the second two*次不计,求得后面两次的平均值
Pass/Fail criteria
If the container volume < 100 mL; less than 6000 particles/container > 10 µm and 600 particles/container > 25 µm
如果标示装量< 100 mL;> 10 µm 不超过6000个/瓶,> 25 µm 不超过600个/瓶
If the container volume > 100 mL; less than 25 particles/mL > 10 µm and 3 particles/mL > 25 µm. Also not exceed the per container limits for the < 100 mL criteria above.
如果标示装量> 100 mL,>10 µm 不超过25个/ml,> 25 µm 不超过10个/ml
The AccuSizer FX Nano system is ideal system for performing the USP <787> test for the following reasons
AccuSizer FX Nano是测量USP <787>的*选择。
• Passes all standardization and system suitability tests
• Sensitivity down to 0.15 µm灵敏度可以达到0.15 µm
• Higher concentration limit可检测高浓度样品
• Accurate sample volume down to 250 µL小测量体积为250 µL
Aggregated IgG protein before and after filtration as measured on the AccuSizer FX Nano
AccuSizer FX Nano关于聚合免疫蛋蛋白经过滤和未过滤的检测谱图